Sunday, August 12, 2012

Blake Antrobus submission

The name's Antrobus. Blake Antrobus. But seeing as Blogger recognises me by my writing alias 'The Ant', feel free to call me whatever you want.

So why am I stuck in your class? I was studying a BA majoring in Writing and Sociology, but I've been approved for a transfer into BA Media. Now we'll be spending a whole semester together learning the ropes of Blogger and whatever else swings our way. 

Lucky you.

Aside from being a boring University student, I have a huge interest in writing, and you can check out my work at this awesome site that's only been up for a few days ( My biggest literary influences include Christopher Hitchens, Ted Hughes, William Lane Craig, C.S. Lewis, Tim Winton, Stephen King, Salman Rushdie, Terry Eagleton, Roger Erbert, Charlie Brooker and, just to shake it all up, Shakespeare. I'm an avid fan of Video Games and I spend a lot more time fragging n00bs than I should, but that's not important.

Anyway, so I don't bore you to death with more stories about how important I am, I should get started on this task. Let me bring you up to speed on the furor about Thomas Kelly, the teenager who passed away in July after being assaulted in Kings Cross. 


We're all angry. We're all very very angry. And rightly so. After all, Thomas Kelly's parents warned him to be careful; last words to his parents were 'Don't worry I will and I love you' before he was assaulted by an unknown assailant. 
One punch was all it took. 
Unprovoked, uncontrollable, the 18 year old was thrown to the ground as the attacker disappeared. (

His death provoked a full-blown investigation into that night on the Cross; CCTV footage was acquired from almost every corner of the scene ( The Kellys made a desperate plea to any witnesses or bystanders to come forward with whatever they knew from that night. And the media was hot on their tail, chasing up anything they could find out about the case. 
Hours of trawling through security footage and diverging information from the witnesses finally led to an arrest.

Anyway, this video pretty much sums up the entire article, just in case you couldn't be bothered to read it at all: 

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