Friday, August 31, 2012

Assignment 1: Tom Atkinson

Student # 43008690 

Assessment 1, Session 2, 2012 
The phenomenon of Digital media convergence in relation to 

Media convergence has become a central issue for ad agencies and marketers as consumers now have access to media through multiple devices. These new devices include the Smart phone, Tablet and a once thought ‘old media’ device which has evolved into the new digital era, the Television. Television now comes with Internet connection capabilities and cable television, making the old school media style of TV a once again instrumental new media device and also a relevant example of media convergence. 

 Sony Internet TV. 

(Sony Internet TV-TV Commercial 2011)

Media convergence is not just a technological development but a system through which connected consumers and advertisers interact with one another in content.

The new digital era has brought about an evolution in new media advertising, using new means of consumer accessibility such as the Internet and social media websites. Digital media convergence, as stated by Terry Flew, is a “force of nature” (Flew, 2008). Technological determinism has become a driving force for unlocking the major concerns associated with the evolution of mass communication. Basically there are four major qualities that have resulted in the global convergence of media cultures.
These qualities include ‘decentralizing, globalizing, harmonizing and empowering’ (Flew, 2008).

A good case study of media convergence can be found within the digital word of Facebook. Facebook is a social media website most commonly used by western society i.e. the United states, United Kingdom, Australia, France, South Africa and other western countries. The social media website is used by over nine hundred million active users.
The networking site is free to register with and states that it will never charge users for its services. “Its free and always will be” (Facebook, Facebook login, 2012). 

This website alone has utilized all four qualities of global convergence to connect millions who may have lost touch with friends and family from all around the world. Facebook has become an empowering system for anyone of its users to use as a broadcaster for mass communication. In February 2011 mass political protests were organized and eventually lead to a rebellion in Egypt, which ended with the over throw of the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in 2012. This movement gained majority of its support through social networking online, not only gaining momentum on a local scale but internationally. See news report of Egypt’s Social networking revolution.

Egypt’s Social Networking Revolution 2011

Facebook is a very effective tool for social networking and a new format for advertising on a global scale. The social networking site is one of the major examples of digital convergence associating, content, community, connection and commerce (Thoughtful China 3 July 2012).

See video of ‘What is Facebook’ a relevant example of media convergence.

Media has evolved throughout the ages and through different cultures, a wide variety of styles of media have originated. The first Indigenous Australians, the Aboriginals, used stories of the Dreaming to explain to their people the origins and how the world came be. The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs to illustrate their history and educate their community. All were forms of media, which through time have evolved to the audiences needs. Now as technology has advanced exponentially, audiences are now able to ‘obtain multiple services on a single platform or device or obtain any given service on multiple platforms or devices’ (Ofcom 2008). As Jenkins sates, “In the world of media convergence, every important story gets told, every brand gets sold, and every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms” (Jenkins 2006)

The modern era of technology has brought with it a wave of new media devices capable of high speed accessibility to online services such as Facebook. At no other stage in history has the average device owner been so easily accessible throughout the globe.  Google has capitalized on this knowledge by initiating a ‘pay-per-click’ as a unit of measure meaning advertisers paid only for what consumers had actually clicked on as opposed to how many people ‘might’ click on the advertisement and potentially purchase a product. This was referred to as ‘qualified leads’ (Spurgeon, C 2008) Facebook has capitalized on this knowledge and has subsequently become an advertisers dream.

No longer are the days of billboard, newspaper or radio advertising being the main method of advertising. Advertisers now prefer to inform their consumers face to face on their device(s) of choice.
Advertisers now can track and research who, what, when and why consumers are viewing the advertisement material and subsequently purchasing products. Smart phones, tablets, gaming consoles, internet-television and computers are now well entrenched into an increasing amount of the lives of the population of the planet.
In the last twenty five years mobile phones have taken over the conventional ‘land-line’ telephone and outdone the internet in contrast of new connections (Goggin,2006:1).  

There a four pillars that media convergence and global advertising stand upon, Content - what the demand is for different commodities and what advertisers and website designers create to supply this demand. Community - social networking, and Connection - utilizing the Internet. The forth pillar is Commerce - creating retail from tying all four pillars into one, using social networking which has connected hundreds of millions and advertising to create commodification. (Thoughtful China 2012)

The mobile phone has been described by advertisers as the ‘next great conduit between consumers and advertisers’ (The Sell, Sell, Sell phone’, 2007).
The smart phone allows users to access Facebook, play games, explore the Internet and connect with friends through text message or verbally.

All content is available to the owner in one simple device. The strength of cultural determinism reinforces the ‘supply and demand’ process, which can mutually beneficial for both advertisers and end users. For example, in the USA, online advertising expenditure had grown by 33 percent between 2004 and 2005. In the United Kingdom it was measured at 40 percent and 60 percent in Australia (Spurgeon 2008). This created more flexibility for web site owners such as Facebook to continue to be a free of charge site,  helping the website and others like it, stay afloat. Advertisers were now able to use the social interactions of users to advertise their brands.

See example below of one account users interface of Facebook. Before your eyes find their objective ‘logout’ the user is given the opportunity to Advertise.

Facebook, Profile of Tom Atkinson 28 August 2012, accessed 28 August 2012.

With over 900 million users on the website, any advertising campaign that goes viral can mean millions in revenue, as the ‘Share a coke’ campaign confirmed for the widely popular Coca-Cola Amatil company. This concludes that the new media style of online advertising has become much more interactive and advertisers are continually becoming more creative to keep up with the changing formats of technology and media convergence.

Share a Coke Campaign 2012


Sony Internet TV-TV Commercial 2011, SonyNederland, Netherlands online video, accessed 29 August 2012

Flew, T 2008 “Approaches to new media” New media: An Introduction, 3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford university Press pp. 38 viewed 25 August 2012 from Macquarie University Database

Jenkins H, 2006 ‘Convergence Culture’ Where old and new media collide NY University Press pp. 3

Facebook, 2012, Facebook Login, accessed 29 August 2012  

Egypt’s Social Networking Revolution 12 February 2011, CBS, America, online video, accessed August 29 2012.

Thoughtful China 2012, ‘Connecting content & Communities Online, China online video, accessed 29 August 2012 <>

What is facebook? 2008, youcanreachtim 14 August 2008, America, online video accessed 30 August 2012. <>

Ofcom 2008, What is convergence? A submission to the Convergence Think Tank, UK Feb 2008,

Spurgeon C 2008, Advertising & New Media Ozon Routledge, pp. 31

Jenkins H, 2006 ‘Convergance Culture’ where old and new media collide NY University Press.

Goggin, G. 2006 Cellphone: Mobile Technology in Everyday life. London: Routledge

Thoughtful China 2012, ‘Connecting content & Communities Online, China online video, accessed 29 August 2012 <>

‘The Sell, Sell, Sell Phone’ 2007 B&T 25 February, accessed 29 August. <>

Spurgeon C 2008, Advertising & New Media Ozon Routledge, pp. 26

Share a coke Campaign 2012 ‘Share a coke’ campaign…Coca cola, a marketing genius!!!

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