Friday, August 31, 2012

Assignment 1 : Online Essay

                                                                                                                                                         Student id. -42764890

Discuss the phenomenon of digital media convergence in relation to one of the following: Advertising & New Media or Music Video Online’.

                                              Advertising and New Media


With the emergence of new media, advertising has multiple platforms, and has become multidimensional, and as the technology changes, newer methods of advertising are created. Media convergence has brought about significant technological and cultural changes over the last fifteen years. Jenkins defines media convergence as coming together of technologies for media consumption, production and distribution (2006). According to Dwyer the process of accommodating new media in existing media and communication industries and cultures. It could also be described as the ability to obtain multiple services on a single platform or device or any given service on multiple platforms and devices. 
New media is slowly overthrowing old media. For example, how often would a person use the yellow pages to find a phone number of a restaurant? The answer is almost no one. In today’s day and age, any knowledge-based requirement would be satisfied by an “app”. Apple used “there’s an app for that” as a tagline for their newly released Iphone.

With the emergence of new media like Internet based devices, smartphones, tablet computers, the approach to advertising took a drastic change. Traditional advertising is not used as widely as advertising via new media. The convergence of digital media creates new platforms for advertising.
Businesses can advertise online, on mobile phone applications, through text messages and even music videos. Advertising on YouTube is extremely popular amongst large corporations, where they book a 15 second space before the video plays on YouTube to showcase their commercial. 
           Large corporations have also created  smartphone “apps” so that customers can access or shop for products conveniently and directly from their phone. For example, banks like Commonwealth Bank have launched an app where a customer can access his bank account, make transactions and transfers. There is a smart-phone application for almost every function today, whether it is checking the weather or the stock exchange. Since the culture of “apps” come into existence, companies have started advertising in the applications where they display linked or related applications to the ones that are being used by a specific user.

Hence, a consumer can now view YouTube videos on a smartphone, which can also perform functions such as banking, shopping, and various others. A UK study, conducted by Informa Telecoms and Media and reported in the trade journal Marketing Week, predicts that the global Mobile advertising market will be worth US$11.3 billion by 2011, a significant increase on the earlier forecast of around US$871 million for the year 2006 (Lester, 2006). Meanwhile, within individual markets, research by Frost and Sullivan estimated expenditure on mobile advertising in Australia for 2006 to ‘reach above’ AUD$500 million, or around US$445 (Howarth, 2006a). This is up from AUD$130 million (US$115) in 2004 and AUD$250–300 million (US$222–266) in 2005, despite the perception of growth having slowed slightly by the beginning of 2006 ‘due to the exclusion of certain content types from some capped and pre-paid plans’ (2006a). In the USA, meanwhile, 2007 figures put the amount spent on mobile advertising for the preceding year at around US$421 million, with predictions that this will rise to around US$4.8 billion by 2011 (Wilken,R, Sinclair,J, 2009).

  The web has become one of the main platforms for advertising, being easy to access, widespread and cost effective. The superiors in online advertising are Google. According to Harold Davis “advertising on the web is a 7 billion dollar business with an annual growth rate of 40%, give or take a few percent but the lion’s share belongs to Google”(Google Advertising Tools, 2009). Google has grown rapidly to become a recognized brand, and a highly sophisticated search engine remains a key factor for advertisers and users alike (Spurgeon, 2008).  The method of advertising used by Google is auctioning. Advertisers bid for their selected positions and spaces on Google websites and partners and sales network affiliates in a web-based auction market place (Spurgeon, 2008).  The auction mechanism defines the market values of keywords. Google started this method of auctioning keywords in the year 2000 and by 2001, 77 percent of Google’s income was generated out of advertising services. By 2004, the same figure had risen to 98 percent (Spurgeon, 2008).  Google created “AdSense” which had a feature called ‘pay per click’ which meant that advertisers only paid for self selecting click throughs, also referred to as qualified leads, because they are considered more likely to result in a sale or transaction than a more general or broader population. This new way method of paying for advertising was well received as advertisers get a more specific indicator of returns (Spurgeon, 2008). Google continues to be the most widely known website and a brand in the world.

Businesses or companies also advertise on social networking sites, the biggest example being Facebook. Facebook currently has nine hundred active users, this makes it an extremely widespread website for companies to advertise their products. Advertising is more effective on Facebook, as the businesses can get information of people’s interests. Hence, advertising on Facebook is more accurate, efficient and effective. This video shows the activity on Facebook each minute: -

Advertising and new media are interrelated as if one changes; the other is forced to change. The moment that a new platform is created, a new way of advertising is created as well. The technological changes that have occurred for example, the World Wide Web, mobile applications, have made way for newer methods and have created a wider reach for advertising. Advertising can now be done on multiple platforms or devices. Hence, the emergence of new media has changed the basis of advertising a product. 

1. Dwyer,T, 2010, Media Convergence, McGraw Hill, Berkshire. pp1-23

2. Spurgeon, Christina, 2008, ‘From the ‘Long Tail’ to ‘Madison and Vine’, Advertising and New Media, Routledge, New York.
3.Lester, Robert, 2006, ‘Advertising on Mobiles “Worth £6bn in 5 years”, Marketing Week, Vol.29, No. 37, pp. 17
4.Sinclair, John & Wilken, Rowan, ‘Waiting For The Kiss Of Life’, Convergence, Vol.15, No.4, pp. 427-445.
5.   Todi, Mrinal   ‘Advertising on Social Networking Websites’, Wharton Research Scholars Journal, accessed on 30th September 2012, <>
6. Jenkins.H (2006) Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, NY University Press.

7.Davis, Harold, 2009, Google Advertising Tools: Second Edition, O'Reily Media, California, pp. 1-5.

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