Friday, August 31, 2012

Assignment 1: Dominique Essey

The beginnings of music video began in 1927 when the first sound film, 'The Jazz Singer',  was made which is known as a 'talkie' as opposed to a silent film (Fraser, 2005, pg17).  This is a movie and not considered a music video, however this was the foundation in which music video was built on and developed. In 1957, Elvis Presley starred in his own musical film 'Jailhouse Rock' (Fraser, 2005, pg17). Music video was developing and slowly becoming what the people of today recognize as a music video. Admittedly, this is still not what society today view as a music video, but it is important to remember that these were years that gave music video standing and significance as it was the creation of musical legends and sensations. Pictures of Elvis Presley are hung in people’s houses; his music is still listened to today, his mansion in Memphis, Tennessee known as ‘Graceland’ serves as a museum in which people can visit the house of the great Rock and Roll legend. In years to come a recording of him singing his first song 'That's Alright Mama' which is now seen as a music video (Fraser, 2005, pg17)In 1967, The Beatles released promotional films for their songs  'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields Forever' (Fraser, 2005, pg17) In 1975, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen was the first official music video (Fraser, 2005, pg17).

From thereafter, music videos became more common particularly in 1981 when ‘Pop Clips’, a music video programme aired on Nickelodeon and it was the beginning of MTV(Fraser, 2005, pg17). This channel slowly invaded the whole world by particularly showcasing contemporary artists(Fraser, 2005, pg21). One artist who was not a stranger to MTV was Michael Jackson. His music video of ‘Thriller’ was one of the highest budget productions and also one of the most successful and popular music videos to date(Fraser, 2005). Michael Jackson was an inspiration because MTV was predominantly white, male rock artists(Fraser, 2005, pg21). He was a black man and was the beginning of equality and diversity on MTV(Fraser, 2005, pg21). However, this did take time and was until the 90’s when Hype Williams led the way for other black artists to be on MTV such as TLC, R Kelly and Missy Elliott(Fraser, 2005, pg22).  The phenomenon of music video became interactive with viewers in 1983 when the first MTV Video Music Award was launched(Fraser, 2005, pg17). This allowed artists to be praised for their work. 

Every link that has been posted for a film, promotional film or music video in this essay has come from one website: YouTube. The whole reason for explaining the developments in music video with links of the content on YouTube was to show this is where the 21st century had headed. The phenomenon of the music video has now become the phenomenon of online music video. Music videos are still shown on MTV and Channel V, but YouTube is the sensation in which people view music videos. MTV and Channel V also have their own websites in order to compete in this devloping and advanced industry. 

Printscreens of where to watch music videos on MTV website. ( On the website it is under 'Watch Videos' and 'MTV Music' links at the top)


Even though MTV and Channel V have music videos available to watch on their websites, they are no competition for YouTube. YouTube has everything! From music video to television excerpts to trailers to commercials to home videos and the list goes on (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). This is because the videos are uploaded by the users which are the people who watch the videos. If it is not already implied, YouTube is a website where content videos are uploaded and watched by the users which was launched in December 2005 (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). The website has tens of million of visitors at least per day and it has been called viral, revolutionary and a phenomenon  (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). Music Videos are given more public view because friends are able to send links to friends through email and post on blogs and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48).

YouTube is known for the feeling of an online community and sharing
The beginnings of music video began in 1927 when the first sound film, 'The Jazz Singer',  was made which is known as a 'talkie' as opposed to a silent film (Fraser, 2005, pg17).  This is a movie and not considered a music video, however this was the foundation in which music video was built on and developed. In 1957, Elvis Presley starred in his own musical film 'Jailhouse Rock' (Fraser, 2005, pg17). Music video was developing and slowly becoming what the people of today recognize as a music video. Admittedly, this is still not what society today view as a music video, but it is important to remember that these were years that gave music video standing and significance as it was the creation of musical legends and sensations. Pictures of Elvis Presley are hung in people’s houses; his music is still listened to today, his mansion in Memphis, Tennessee known as ‘Graceland’ serves as a museum in which people can visit the house of the great Rock and Roll legend. In years to come a recording of him singing his first song 'That's Alright Mama' which is now seen as a music video (Fraser, 2005, pg17)

In 1967, The Beatles released promotional films for their songs  'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields Forever' (Fraser, 2005, pg17) 

Penny Lane

Strawberry Fields Forever

In 1975, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen was the first official music video (Fraser, 2005, pg17).

From thereafter, music videos became more common particularly in 1981 when ‘Pop Clips’, a music video programme aired on Nickelodeon and it was the beginning of MTV(Fraser, 2005, pg17). This channel slowly invaded the whole world by particularly showcasing contemporary artists(Fraser, 2005, pg21). One artist who was not a stranger to MTV was Michael Jackson. His music video of ‘Thriller’ was one of the highest budget productions and also one of the most successful and popular music videos to date(Fraser, 2005). Michael Jackson was an inspiration because MTV was predominantly white, male rock artists(Fraser, 2005, pg21). He was a black man and was the beginning of equality and diversity on MTV(Fraser, 2005, pg21).

However, this did take time and was until the 90’s when Hype Williams led the way for other black artists to be on MTV such as TLC, R Kelly and Missy Elliott(Fraser, 2005, pg22).  The phenomenon of music video became interactive with viewers in 1983 when the first MTV Video Music Award was launched(Fraser, 2005, pg17). This allowed artists to be praised for their work. 

Every link that has been posted for a film, promotional film or music video in this essay has come from one website: YouTube. The whole reason for explaining the developments in music video with links of the content on YouTube was to show this is where the 21st century had headed. The phenomenon of the music video has now become the phenomenon of online music video. Music videos are still shown on MTV and Channel V, but YouTube is the sensation in which people view music videos. MTV and Channel V also have their own websites in order to compete in this devloping and advanced industry. 

Printscreens of where to watch music videos on MTV website. ( On the website it is under 'Watch Videos' and 'MTV Music' links at the top)


Even though MTV and Channel V have music videos available to watch on their websites, they are no competition for YouTube. YouTube has everything! From music video to television excerpts to trailers to commercials to home videos and the list goes on (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). This is because the videos are uploaded by the users which are the people who watch the videos. If it is not already implied, YouTube is a website where content videos are uploaded and watched by the users which was launched in December 2005 (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). The website has tens of million of visitors at least per day and it has been called viral, revolutionary and a phenomenon  (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). Music Videos are given more public view because friends are able to send links to friends through email and post on blogs and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg48). YouTube is known for an online community and sharing. (Hilderbrand, 2007, pg54). If you have a YouTube account, you are allowed to comment on videos, upload videos and anybody can watch videos. Henry Jenkins describes YouTube as a participatory culture which is the term that " is used often  to talk about the apparent link vetween more accessible digital technologies, user created content, and some kind of shift in the power relation between media industries and their consumers" (Burgess, Green, 2009, pg10).

The following is a photo of some of the comments posted by users who watched the music video

If I were to Google Video search the same music video, most of the results would be the same because YouTube is the online music video world.

Justin Bieber is teen pop sensation who was discovered on YouTube. His manager came across videos of him singing which were uploaded by his mother for family and friends to see. YouTube made Justin Bieber and his music videos a worlwide success and it all began with his online music videos.

Another example of the phenomenon of online music video is this years MTV Video Music Awards. As previously mentioned, these awards were first launched in 1984. This year there is a category called Most Share-Worthy Video.

In the above picture it can be seen that you have tweet your vote. This ties back to the power of social networking in regards to this phenomenon and the audience interaction. The following picture shows an example of a tweet for a vote to count.

Digital Media Convergence has transformed music video into online music video. In today's society and the future, online music video is and will be the sensation. It is a phenomenon and has become more widely successful due to the easy access of music videos online.


  1. Fraser.P, (2005), Teaching Music Video, British Film Institute, London
  2. Hilderbrand.L, (2007), Film Quarterly, Volume 61
  3. Burgess.J, Green.J, (2009), YouTube: Digital Media and Society Series, Polity Press, United Kingdom

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