Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Assignment 1: Shady Saada

the phenomenon of digital media convergence in relation to 

Advertising & New Media

Media convergence as described by Jenkins is "the flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratory behavior of media audiences" (Jenkins 2006). In other words media convergence is the process that different types of media systems evolve to perform similar tasks. For example the way sound and motion pictures come together to form movies. The rapid growth in media convergence has had major influences over society and culture; Advertising was changed and became a lot more powerful and influential than ever before. As touched on by Sheehan and Morrison, it is important to understand that media convergence is constantly occurring and still taking place today (Sheehan and Morrison 2009), along with this constant change in media, advertising is still also changing rapidly and it is important that advertisers and marketers understand this in order to keep up and grasp the customers potential business.

In Order to have a clear understanding of how Advertising has changed due to media convergence it is important to have a little background knowledge on media convergence and its development. It is arguable that one of the first major real life of examples of media convergence happened with motion pictures and sound, which had came out in the early 1920s (Thompson and Bordwell 2010). Before that there was only radio and silent motion pictures or ‘silent movies’. Through media convergence sound and movies came together, which was a phenomenon for its time. In the mid 1950s came another major step of media convergence, and this was television. Television had a major impact on society and culture as it gave the viewers a chance to watch movies and shows in their very own home (Diggs-Brown 2011). It was not only used for entertainment, it was also used as provider of news by converging different media systems such as the newspapers, motion pictures and sound.
With the birth of motion pictures and television advertising had evolved from being predominately in newspapers and billboards to manipulating viewers through the use of television advertisements. With the increase of media convergence and the rapid use of television, advertising started reaching viewers in their own homes. An example of this given in the video provide below.

this was a coca-cola advertisement which was broadcasted first in 1953. The advertisement here is quite direct and to the point, it simply informs the audience that “coke” is refreshing and tastes great with a delightful little jingle at the end. This was how a majority of companies and marketers were now reaching the public, and they didn’t need to do more because viewers didn’t have much of a choice due to the fact that television channels were quite limited and it was the only medium to broadcast certain shows that viewers were interested in. Even though advertisement did slowly start to become creative over time, generally television advertisements were predominately done similar to this up until the introduction of the computer, the internet and the mobile phone. This is mainly because now people have different avenues to receive their information, people now cut out any traditional type of advertisements that are constantly played on television. With the introduction of ‘YouTube’ for example, viewers now have the ability to watch whatever they desire online at any time, this is has changed the way advertisers are trying to connect to their potential customers (Sheehan and Morrison 2009). Now advertisers must not only draw the viewer’s attention but also build a bond with that customer, that initial relationship in order to create an interest.

Sheehan and Morrison mention in Beyond Convergence: confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world; that “agencies must change any perception that confluence culture is a skill to be mastered”, in other words the people who are now creative, the advertisers who differ from everything else that is out there, who differ from the traditional marketing approach, will be able to connect people to brands through the use of advertisements, building that bond with the product (Sheehan and Morrison 2009). This is evident in a lot of advertisements seen today, below is Coco-cola advertisement which was first broadcasted in 2009.

“Many large national and transnational advertisers… are looking for new ways to reach increasingly distracted, distrustful and disinterested consumers” (Spurgeon 2008). It is evident that this was the goal for the coco-cola advertisers in the 2009 advertisement. During the minute long clip, there is no verbal mention of how great the beverage tastes or how refreshing it is, such as what was done in the advertisement broadcasted in the 50’s. Instead it shows a group of young men and women who are physically attractive, jumping and flying around in a gigantic coco-cola bottle on the beach with a catchy song. This form advertising is indirect, the viewer will watch this advertisement and immediately link the beverage to all the nostalgic imagery portrayed as it is rather enjoyable to watch (Spurgeon 2008). This is a classic juxtaposition when compared to the advertisement of the 1950s, and this is how marketers and advertisers have to be now to grasp the interest of the consumer, to stand out.

It seems that media convergence is a vital factor in the advertising field and as long media convergence increases over time, the way marketers and advertiser attempt to approach customers will be constantly changing aswell. It was evident that media convergence had a major effect on advertising with the introduction of television and movies, this allowed advertisers to broadcast there detail directly to the consumer, being very direct and general. With the introduction of the internet and newer technology it seems it has changed again, seeing as now viewer have multiple avenues to receive the information or broadcasts they wish to see. Now it is evident that marketers have to not only draw attention of the viewer but also build a relationship with them, in order to establish that main interest in the product. In conclusion Media convergence is constantly happening on a global scale, and its up to the marketers to now understand that in this new era of technology, it is creativity and substance that will draw the attention of the consumer. It is not as easy as simply stating what the product is and why it is good, but instead indirectly linking that product to something that respond to the intended audience.


Diggs-Brown, B. 2011 Strategic Public Relations: Audience Focused Practice, Wadsworth Publishing; 1 edition p.48

Jenkins, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, New York University Press pg 2

Sheehan, K., Morrison, D. 2009 Beyond convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world, First Monday vol 14 no 3, Viewed 23 August 2012 <>

Spurgeon, C. 2008 Advertising and New Media, Oxcon Routledge p.27

Thompson, K. Bordwell, D 2010 Film History: An Introduction.  McGraw-Hill; 3rd edition

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