Friday, October 12, 2012

Photo Essay - Thomas Meehan 42886384

Theme: Letterbox's
Sub-theme: Overcast

When questioning myself on what themes to choose for "Everyday Aesthetics",  I couldn't look past letterbox's as something that we all use everyday, and regardless of whether we live in a house or an apartment, we have one. We also tend to notice when somebody's letter box is unpleasant looking or when it is pleasing and beautified. I felt that letterbox's would offer a variety of different subjects to shoot and I could use that as my main theme. After choosing my theme, I was having trouble finding a sub-theme to my idea of letterbox's. . I then noticed that taking the photo's on an overcast day, just after it had rained, added a new element to the shot. The damp newspaper hanging out of boxes, or the rain adding that moisture to the moss that grew on others; the new perspective on letterbox's was interesting to capture. I made sure I was taking photos of a range of letterbox's, one's that were old and decaying, as well as new one's that were still aesthetically pleasing. This illustrated the affect of rain and the the overcast lighting on a variety of letterbox's when taking the photos. I thought the appropriately titled song, "Fancy Jacket Weather" also fit for its musical appropriateness. The sounds in the song can be likened to water dripping and the song can also be considered dull which compliments my overcast sub-theme.

"Fancy Jacket Weather" by Dj CUTMAN is licensed under a Creative Commons License

<div xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct="" about=""><span property="dct:title">"Fancy Jacket Weather"</span> (<a rel="cc:attributionURL" property="cc:attributionName" href="">Dj CUTMAN</a>) / <a rel="license" href="">CC BY-NC-SA 3.0</a></div>

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