Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    PHOTO ESSAY (Taaruk Raina & Tom Atkinson)

   Assessment 2 : Everyday Aesthetics
   Main Theme : Paths
   Sub Theme : Lights and Shadows

The photo essay is a combination of 24 images out of 48 taken by Taaruk and Tom of the 

mundane sights of pathways leading to a certain destination. On this journey roads, 

pathways, staircases and doorways were captured. The idea of paths is well illustrated in 

this series of pictures and the music was composed using garage band as it brings a little 

more excitement to the everyday aesthetics that people would usually look at while on 

their way to work or school etc. The light was also another sub theme enhanced using 

editorial tools on iphoto and also the natural light while taking the pictures.


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