Friday, October 12, 2012

Jacob and Daniel's Shapes

                               'Last runaway' frirst rebirth - 2009. Attribution, non commecial, share                     alike.

Daniel and Jacob have made a photo essay on /City Shapes - Shapes in Black and White'. As a theme we both thought it could be quite interesting to see our everyday landscape through different perspectives. As both of us live in urban parts of Sydney, we are acutely aware of the constantly changing landscape of the buildings, construction sites, and urban objects that we walk past everyday. By looking through the sight of a camera (or viewfinder) and by taking photos of these spaces and objects, We discoverd unique and beautiful shapes, forms and patterns we go past on a daily basis, but miss with the naked eye. We have chosen the sub-theme of black and white, which not only helps to show the relationship between negative space and light, but also offers great flexibility at the post production stage

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